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Unlocking ROI Through the MaxContact CCaaS Partner Programme

Businesses operating in the channel thrive by recommending the right solutions to their customers, based on business needs. Their reputations and revenue streams rely on having the right products on hand to help their clients reduce costs, improve outcomes or increase efficiency.

For communications experts or technology businesses, a Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) platform is becoming an increasingly important part of any third-party product portfolio.

Generic communications solutions are not designed for customer communications at scale. Only a true CCaaS platform can offer the optimised features that create top tier outbound sales, after sales and debt collection campaigns, and at the same time unlock ROI for your business.

Partnering with MaxContact gives you access to our feature-rich and continually updated outbound CCaaS platform built specifically to meet contact centre requirements. We also offer highly competitive commissions and fees. In the rest of this article we’ll tell you everything you need to know.

The best solution for contact centres

By partnering with MaxContact, you can offer your customers what is, quite simply, one of the best and most competitively priced contact centre solutions on the market.

We won’t go into detail here, but these are just three features of MaxContact your clients will want to know about:

  1. Intelligent auto dialling. Automate dialling in an intelligent and compliant way, with separate dialling modes for different types of outbound campaigns.
  2. Omnichannel. Customers want flexibility. With MaxContact, your clients can get in touch with their customers using the right channel at the right time.
  3. AI and speech analytics. Analyse customer sentiment, improve agent performance and satisfy the growing desire for instant answers with powerful AI technology.

The best solution for partners

But MaxContact isn’t just a great contact centre solution, we’re also a great fit as a channel partner, offering a potential path to significant profit for those we work with. We offer two flavours of partnership:

Referral partners

Industry specialists that work as consultants and advisors can earn a commission every time they recommend MaxContact to a client. Earn a minimum referral fee of 15% and up to 18% for every new client with ten users or more you introduce to MaxContact. All you have to do is make the introduction and we can take it from there.

Reseller partners

Reseller partners are typically technology companies that sell the MaxContact CCaaS as part of a portfolio of solutions or as an add-on to their own technology platform through an API. These are experienced technologists with unique insight into their customers’ challenges and opportunities. They take more ownership of the sales process, but our experts are always on hand to help with demos, sandboxing and solution sizing. Resellers earn a healthy margin of between 25% and 35%.

In both instances, partnership with MaxContact creates a new potential revenue stream and a new opportunity to impress clients. On top of that, when clients can get more of their technology or telecommunications stack from one provider, they’re more likely to stick with them.

Offering a CCaaS platform alongside other technology makes you more indispensable to your customer base. Or to put it another way, become the one-stop-shop that makes life easier for the companies you work with and drive loyalty and longevity.

Why partner when you can build?

If you’re a technology company, perhaps with a Unified Communications (UC) or VOIP platform, you may ask why you wouldn’t build a CCaaS platform of your own, or amend the platform you have to offer some of the features of a contact centre solution.

The simple answer is that doing so would be offering your valuable customers a half-baked solution to their contact centre challenges. Modern CCaaS platforms are at the technological cutting edge, offering AI-driven chat and speech analytics, sophisticated data analysis and a complete omnichannel experience.

Intelligent algorithms manage outbound dialling speeds to optimise both engagement and compliance. Security and data privacy are baked-in to every aspect of the service.

That’s to skim the surface of what a modern CCaaS platform needs to do. MaxContact has been developed by industry experts over many years. We invest continually in innovation, putting out updates on average every couple of weeks.

By offering something less than that, you risk disappointing your customers and putting them at competitive disadvantage. The alternatives are clear. Either plough large amounts of time and money into developing a full-featured CCaaS platform, or collaborate with a partner that has done the hard part already.

The second option is the quickest and easiest way to unlock revenue from a contact centre solution.

More than technology

Technology is key to unlocking ROI in the IT channel, but it isn’t everything. The kind of partnership you develop with the technology provider can make all the difference.

At MaxContact, we proactively help you sell our CCaaS platform to your clients. If your client has complex or bespoke needs, we’ll work with you to make sure they’re covered. If they require an integration we don’t already offer, we’ll always see what we can do.

And on a day to day basis, we’ll support your sales engagement, help you demo the product and work with you to make customer onboarding seamless. We’ll be there when you need us throughout the life of the contract, and our tech support team will feel like an extension of your own.

All of this is crucial to the partnership you have with us, and the partnership you have with your end users. When you work with MaxContact, you can offer customers the CCaaS platform they need alongside the support they want.

We understand that your success is ours. We’ll do everything we can to help you unlock ROI from our partner programme. 

For more information on our partner programme or if you are interested in joining, you can visit our partner page for more information.

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