Spokn AI

AI Speech Analytics to understand the 'why' behind every call

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Resources > Customer Stories > Firstsource’s bespoke stable solution

Firstsource’s bespoke stable solution

Firstsource is a leading provider of business process solutions to more than 100 global businesses across varied industry sectors in the US, UK, Philippines and India. With such a wide range of clients, Firstsource brought MaxContact onboard to provide a bespoke, stable solution.

Since implementing MaxContact, FirstSource has:


Increased agent productivity through data insight and intelligence by over 50%


Reduced the time for onboarding of new campaigns and clients by over 67%


Grown from an initial 50 seats to over 750 seats since partnering with MaxContact

The challenge

Firstsource’s previous contact centre solution had stability issues, a lack of support and was difficult to customise. They needed a reliable solution that helped them to win new business and could be adapted to meet changing client demands.


The solution

After a successful proof of concept, we worked with Firstsource on their preferred migration strategy, carefully reviewing specific campaign requirements to ensure a seamless migration with zero downtime or impact to them or their clients.

Firstsource saw an immediate improvement in stability following a successful post implementation phase for the initial 50 seat campaign. Our team has since migrated many

more campaigns across to MaxContact, each time delivering improved functionality, client satisfaction and of course, stability.

A strong partnership has resulted in our team regularly assisting Firstsource in responding to tenders and winning new business. Working with our platform, Firstsource has been able to provide bespoke functionality to their clients to win new business and as a result, we are their preferred telephony partner.

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