Spokn AI

AI Speech Analytics to understand the 'why' behind every call

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Industry Insights

23 May 2023

Harnessing the Benefits of Cloud Contact Centre Software

Cloud-based software, also known as software-as-a-service (SaaS), is an application or service that is hosted and delivered over the Internet by third-party providers. Unlike traditional on-premise software, cloud-based software removes the need for businesses to install and maintain applications on their own servers or computers. Cloud-based software has become hugely popular in recent years, and...

Industry Insights

18 Nov 2022

How do contact centres develop a winning CX?

Industry expert Natalie Calvert helps ambitious leaders powerfully engage customers and employees in a way that impacts the bottom line. Her clients have included organisations of all sizes, including some of the world’s largest brands: O2, Royal Mail, Audi, LEGO, M&S and BT. She is also a board advisor and judge for the Lloyds Bank...


03 Oct 2022

MaxContact reveals the challenges faced by vulnerable customers seeking support from customer service teams

According to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), 27.7 million adults in the UK fall under their definition of a vulnerable customer. This includes having poor health, experiencing negative life events, low financial resilience, or having low decision-making capabilities. This number is predicted to rise even further as the cost-of-living crisis impacts peoples’ finances and mental...

Industry Insights

15 Jul 2022

The rising costs of business: how SMEs can balance the books

As we all know, life is getting more expensive. So is business. A recent study by the Federation of Small Businesses found that half of SMEs think that rising costs will stall growth in 2022. Rising fuel and utility costs are the biggest challenge, according to the survey. They’re followed by tax rises, labour shortages,...

Industry Insights

06 Jul 2022

Proactive customer service: what it is and why you need it

In 2022, customers have an infinity of choice. In nearly every category of product or service, an alternative to your brand or business (and usually several) is only ever a Google away. At the same time, consumers have never been so prepared to switch provider or supplier, because switching has never been so simple. They’re...

Industry Insights

20 May 2022

6 ways to deal with difficult customers

It sometimes feels like we live in an angry age. It certainly feels that way to customer-facing staff, who have been subject to a growing torrent of abuse since the start of the pandemic. In fact, according to the Institute of Customer Service, 60% of customer-facing staff have experienced hostility from customers since early 2020,...

Industry Insights

05 May 2022

How to support your customer service staff during the cost-of-living crisis

The pressure on customers is well-documented, but service staff need the full support of their business and guidance from their leaders during these difficult times too. The harsh reality of working within a customer-facing role is the abuse you may receive, sometimes on a daily basis. Physical or verbal abuse towards shop workers and call centre agents...

Industry Insights

17 Nov 2021

Why choosing a small ISV makes perfect business sense

In the 1970s, big players in the burgeoning computer industry coined the phrase FUD. It stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, and it’s what behemoths like IBM tried to sow in the minds of customers in relation to plucky young upstarts like Microsoft and Apple. It’s fair to say that the FUD strategy didn’t work...

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